Hamas Releases Two Israeli Women, US Urges Caution on Gaza Invasion

Hamas Frees Hostages 🔄 The Palestinian militant group Hamas set free two Israeli women due to health concerns, amid advice from the US to Israel against a ground attack on Gaza.

Humanitarian Release 🤝 Spokesperson Abu Ubaida stated on Telegram, "they were released on humanitarian and poor health grounds." The women were identified as elderly Israelis, Nurit Cooper and Yocheved Lifshitz.

Previous Hostage Release 🔄 Their freedom followed the release of an American woman and her daughter last Friday, who were among over 200 people held hostage in an October 7 cross-border assault.

US-Israel Communications 📞 Publicly supporting Israel's defense rights, the US has privately intensified appeals for caution to Israel amidst the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

Goal: Freeing Other Hostages 🎯 The US aims to negotiate the release of other hostages, accentuated by the unexpected release of Americans Judith and Natalie Raanan last Friday.

Biden on Ceasefire 🕊️ US President Joe Biden stressed the importance of freeing the hostages first, before engaging in ceasefire talks.

More Hostages Freed 🔄 Israeli Channel 12 reported the release of the third and fourth hostages on Monday, with Egypt's Extra News TV displaying the transfer of two captives to ambulances at Rafah crossing.

Israeli Airstrikes 💥 Israel targeted numerous locations in Gaza from air while engaging with Hamas militants on ground, amidst escalating violence and soaring death toll in the region.

Casualties in Gaza 💔 Gaza's Health Ministry reported 436 deaths in the recent bombardments, with Israeli forces poised for a potential ground invasion near the densely populated area.

Humanitarian Appeal 🙏 With Gaza's residents facing severe shortages, calls for a "humanitarian pause" have been echoed by global leaders to allow aid delivery in the embattled region.

US Negotiations for Aid 🤝 A US envoy is liaising with Israel, Egypt, and the UN to establish a mechanism for sustained aid delivery to Gaza, as announced by the US State Department.

Conflict Escalates Beyond Gaza 📈 The violence extends beyond Gaza, with Israeli aircraft targeting positions in south Lebanon held by Hezbollah, amidst other confrontations in the region.

Harsh Reality in Gaza 😢 Over 5,000 Palestinians have been killed in the strikes, while about 1.4 million of Gaza's population are now internally displaced, seeking shelter in overcrowded emergency facilities.

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