Claimed Security Breach 🖥️ Hacker collective Anonymous Algeria claims to have infiltrated databases of the Israeli Defense Ministry and police, revealing their alleged success via a Telegram message.
Data Extraction 💾 Announced on Friday, the group alleges to have extracted over 10 gigabytes of data from the Israeli Defense Ministry, encompassing details on officers, armies, and operational plans.
Personal Information Exposed 🆔 An extract showcased by the group contains names, residential addresses, parental details, and other personal information of officers from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
Ceasefire Demand and Threat ⚠️ The hackers demand a ceasefire from the Israeli government, threatening to release the full dataset if the “atrocities against children and women in Gaza” persist.
Additional Cyber Attacks 🎯 According to the hackers, a cyber attack also hit Israel’s postal system affecting 1.5 million accounts, while several police devices were purportedly targeted, providing access to confidential files.
Solidarity with Palestine 🤝 Expressing solidarity, all messages from Anonymous Algeria affirmed its support for Palestine, stating, “We the people and the Algerian army are with Palestine... Free Palestine. We Stand With you.”
Digital Warfare Escalates 💻 Cyber Express reports that over 100 hacker groups are engaged in digital warfare amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict, with a majority supporting Palestine, showcasing the cyber dimension of geopolitical conflicts.
Various Hacker Groups Involved 🔄 Different hacker factions like GonjeshkeDarande, Indian Cyber Force, and UCC team are noted for backing Israel, while KillNet, Anonymous Sudan, and Mysterious Team Bangladesh express support for Palestine, illustrating the global digital divide over the ongoing conflict.
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